Fri 03 Jan
specials all night give me a call !!! - 19
(City of Long Beach, Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley)
NASTY Exotic Latina Hottie with HUGE BIG JUGGS 40GGG'S for Fetish and Fantay play - 26
(Los Angeles, off the 105,91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
•____• NAUGHTii TEMPTATiONS •____ •BOOTY LUVERS #1 CHOiCE •____ •Specials! PLAY in all 3 H•|€§ ! - 22
(Long Beach, Montebello. Commerce. 5 / 6O5 / 71O)
mixed beauty;) the girl you dream of can be yours tonight - 19
(Long Beach, 91fwy 710fwy 605fwy LB Downey lakewood)
My candy 🍬🍫 store is open!🍒🍓 special right now! I am the 🍒 to your🍰NEW NUMBER - 20
(San Fernando Valley, woodland Hills)
new girls HUNNY U CAN PICK UR GIRL !!! CUTIE ** WITH **A** SEXY ** BOOTY ** *Hurry !! (714)209-8023- - 21
(Long Beach, lampson /brookhursts)
NeW HeRe✨36 DD PiErCeD VeGaS DoLL💟 _ LiMiTED EdiTiON✨ __SM0kiN' HOTTt 🔥___T!GHT & BRAND NEW🎁 - 25 - 25
(Long Beach)
NeW -| | G*F*E | |- !!_ -- X0iC-- _!! *=V=*! XxX E*=N=* ____ (*$60*) ___ (PL3AsUR3S) - 21
(*=*IN&0UTCALLS*=* 91 & 5 FWY cerritos/0c)
ทєω N τσωท【♥】STACKED 2 THE MaX 40DDD-28-44 StallioN 🌠Տʟɨɖɛ 💦 ɨռՏɨɖɛ🏄αvαιℓabℓeNow📞 $specials - 25
(Long Beach, long beach Downey whittier & others)
NASTY HOTTIE with Big Huge Amazing TITS 40DDD!!! For ALl Fetishes & FAntasies - 26
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
😘😘Mystery Freak Show😍😍 👅Satisfaction Guranteed👏😉👅 - 21
(Long Beach, LongBeach,LosAngeles & Surrounding Area)
Nak1d Body 2 Body ~ Choose YOUR Playmate ¥0UNG n HOT ☆ ❤ Guaranteed 2 Light Your Fuse ☆ ❤ REAL PIC - 19
(Downey, Long Beach, Pico Rivera / Bell Gardens / Whittier)
NATURal BEAUTy,. HOTneSS !! FUNNN!! 36dd. 80 80 80. Off the. 5/605 - 25
~ ____ MmMmMmMm...((( `S o Y u m m y!! )))_______ (((*6o Specials!!! ))) __ `H o t Brunette ____ ~ - 23
(Long Beach, Artesia, Norwalk, Cerritos, Buena Park)
Massive Jacuzzi Suite Swingers Party Tonight For BBW!! and the Men Who Loves Them Bigger is Better - 26
(Long Beach, Downtown La)
Mature, Sexy & Fun Girlfriend / Role-Play / Fetish / Fantasy: In/Out-Calls ~CLICK~ for $58 SPECIALS - 44
✨💜✨ Miss Sweet Mocha Cream💝🍭💖Sweetness at its BEST 4 UR Sweet Tooth💎 (( Yummy ))💎 - 23
(Long Beach, Downey/ Firstone&Lakewood; 105/605)
NEW!!! ✨ANDREA👑✨ ALL DAY Specials ➓☆SexY E✖ΘTiC ❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ αvαiℓabℓε ➜ Y O U R # 1 C H O I C E★ - 22
(Long Beach, LBC)
======= LOOK NO FURTHER! ======== ❤ ========= I'M THE *BlonDe HoTTiE* oF YoUR DREAMS ====== - - 20
(Long beach..Cerritos..Artesia..Norwalk)
{{ NAUGHTY }} {bRuNetTe BaBe} {{SWTST} {TMPTATiON} 1oO InCaLL SpEc!alS - 19
(; ava!L)
Need A Late Night Snack?? Try A Piece !! I can satisfy any mans appetite
💞Mia👉ask about specials👈 Sexy Mixed Puerto-Rican Princess 👑 (424)249-0310 Available all day/night!! 💝 - 20
(Artesia91, Cerritos, Long Beach)
{{ NeW 2 the ArEa }} ~ Blonde Beauty ♥ {{ 100% w/ 100 SpEcIaL }} ~ Sexy Sweetheart - 21
(Los Angeles, Carson ♥ {{ near MALL of 405 }})
Look >>> CINDYLatina Big Booty (( 60 SPECIAL)) 91 FWY EXIT Pioneer - 25
LOOK NO FURTHER❗PeTite GoDdess Is HeRe To SaTisfy YoUr EverY NeeD💋 - 21
(Long Beach, 91fwy ,Downey, artesia)
« N I Y A » (Fr@kY)..... ★ ° ( F@Nt@sY).... ★ ( 1o0% * R@L! ).... ★° - 19
LOOK ====► ((AVAiLABLE)) NOW ((ANYTiME)) ◄==== LOOK - 22
(InCaLl-off the 91 near 605 freeway)
LOOK ► *¨¨*-:¦¦:-* InToXiCaTiNg *-: ¦:-* UPSCALE PLaYmATe *¨¨*100%% REal - 21
(Long Beach, 91/artesia)
LOOK >>> Available Now!! Seductive Brunette!! {{UP LATE}} #1 Sweetheart - 20
(Long Beach, ««« GARDENA »»»)
(!!!!! Long beach !!!!!)
👄💄 M_O_D_E_L ⭐️ T_Y_P_E 💄👄 STUNNING 🌟 BlONDE 💋💯 ❗️ S P E C I A L S❗️ - 19
(Long Beach, Long beach Downey Norwalk Artesia)
💋Lets play visiting Incall /Outcall 💎specials💋💎 - 22
(Long Beach, Incall Lb/Outcall710/La/405/91/110/anahi)
*´¯`·.☆LIMITED TIME SEXy Latina MexicaNa IM ReAl 80 SPECIALS☎ Call Now!!! Sofi - 35
(Long Beach, Lakewood/Downey/Norwalk/Artesia/Cerritos)
(- L!LY -)❤(--H0T--)❤( YOUNG)♥(- touch -)❤(--me--)❤( BABY) - 22
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Outcalls)
Let me be the Navigation to your Situation... :) CALL ME - 22
(Long Beach, Long Beach, CA / Carson CA)
•▄▀▄▀ ❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ * N_E_W_ BLONDE C_U_T_I_E_ * ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄ •★• - 22
(Long Beach, torrance,redondo,lax,manhatt,hermosa)
= = * = = N _ E _ W = = * * = = S _ W _ E _ E _ T = = * * = = B _ R _ U _ N _ E_ T_ T _ E = = * - 23
(Norwalk/Downy/Long Beach/ Out Call)
{MONICAs BACK!!! }: *¨☆ ¨*: { INCALLS } *:☆ ¨*: {ebony mix} ¨*: ★ 100% ME - 25
(OFF 91 at pioneer)
Melissa 🇮🇹& more LATINAS ( AIR conditioning - #1 Service; )NEW Priv Place Discreet-☎562-417-5371 - 23
(Anaheim,Santa Fe Springs, Bell Flower, Bellflower, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles)
(* miXeD ExOtiC BoMBSHeLL *) 60 SPECiaLS * CatCh Me WhiLe You CaN !! *** 60 SpECiaLs **** ALL NiGht - 21
(Long Beach, 605/Firestone)
marina dey rey in call out manhattan, hermosa ,fetish, toys, worship 9164148067 - 37
(Long Beach, marina del rey near water in out all n)
LOOK 100 SpECiAlS ===== SUPER TiGhT - ExTrA WeTT - (FUN - CUTIE w/ Ju!Cy BOOTY ____< - 20
(91 & 605 ARTESIA)
LeTs MaKe ThiS InTeReStiNg ° One ( EXOTiC PlaYmaTe ) My SKiLLs WiLL HaVe U BREaThLeSS !! - 22
(Long Beach, Norwalk 91fwy)
~ MuSt SeE!~*tHe HoTtEsT PeRsIaN *SwEeTHEaRT* ~~*100% ReAl PIcS*~~ **Available NOW** - 20
(Long Beach, 605/5>>>>>>imperial)
~~**MZ NeW BooTy**~~ LooKin 4 a GooD TyMe? ComE EnjoY ThiS ! 80 SpeCiaL - 26
(Long Beach, LonG BeaCh...... inCaLLs & OuTcaLLs)
*N A U G H T Y* .. || BL0NDE || .. ~ C.o.l.l.e.g.e ~ .. [[ CUTiE ]] .. *1oO$ Special * - 22
(* near 91 , 605 , 710 fwys *)
Mexicana bonita y muy caliente ven a conoserme $50 available now$$ - 26
(Long Beach, 5fwy Norwalk Downey santa fe spring)
GRAND OPENING 💕💜💋 NAK1D NURU B0D¥ 2 B0D¥ OIL §ensual 😋 §lip N §lide Fun.💕💕💜 - 20
Great Kills Big Soft Round Booty Let Me Do What She Won't Do Kinky Baby Specials All Day - 23
(Long Beach, 405 Freeway Long beach Carson Torrence)
★ ▬▬▬▬★ HARBOR CITY on PCH BLVD ★ ▬▬▬▬ ★ MASSAGE ★▬▬▬▬ ★LATIN GIRLS ★ ▬ ★ ASIAN GIRLS ▬▬ ▬▬★ - 23
(Long Beach, Asian Massage in Harbor City)
Honey Let me Share this Friday in Your Company @ SUN & ROSE Massage - 24
(Long Beach, GARDEN GROVE CALL 714.209.1855 SUN ROSE)
Honeyy OutCall SPECIALSS 🍬🍬 eYe CaNdY 💋(🍦CLICK HERE🍦)💋eYe CaNdY🍭🍭 Yes, it's 💯% ME !! - 21
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, OutCalls Available Only)
HEY! HI boys im D minaj new to this site but im READY! TRY ME! u will love me!!!!! - 22
(long beach and surrounding areas)
——— •*° F—R—E—A—K—Y—— •*° ———— S— E-- X—Y——— •*° ° ————BABE ———— SPECIALS AVAILABLE! - 22
(Long Beach, Outcalls ONly Please)
G⊙RG£⊙US FAC£ 💕 ➖ SLIM WAIST👙➖ R£AD¥ N⊙W📱➖ H🐇R♑¥ 🅱u♑♑¥ ➖ UPSCAL£ ⊙NL¥ 💎 - 20
(Downey, Long Beach, 🔐1⊙5/6⊙5FW¥ & LAK£W⊙⊙D BLVD💦💥D⊙WN£¥🔐)
Get ready for in 10 min!
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, Ventura)
HaVe BrEaKfasT N mY BED {{ CoMe TrY sOmeThiNg NeW }} ] [[ 1OO% EXOTIC ]] ((CuTiE w/BOOTY )) - 22
🌹👛 :¦: Fun Girl • :¦: Let's Party👙🌹 §ExY Petite 34C BombShell💑 🍓💜 Hawiian Mix💜 L - 26
(Carson, City of Long Beach, Long Beach, OUTCALLS YOUR PLACE)
____ °°° ____ __ G O R G E O U S___ __ B O M B S H E L L ____ __ °°° ___ __ HERE NOW - 22