Mon 06 Jan
⛅*Cuumm my way 2 get ur 🍩 B4 starting UR day 2day* I got what everybody wishes 4 2 SATISFY U* - 30
·¤♡♥¤♥¤♥¤back in town 100$$ special all night let me please you ¤♡¤♥÷♥¤♥÷ - 18
(Lafayette, Lafayette la.337-655-0725)
🍆💦🍼SUPERB & Outstanding Skills 💯💯💯 BBW Ebony Goddess 🍆💦🍼 for White Men - 25
(Knoxville, North Knoxville)
Sexy Sally is Available only $100/Half Hour Call/Text 865-266-9714*Ask about 2girl Specials* - 25
(Knoxville, Cedar Bluff (incall/outcall))
sexy carmen&carly; two girl special treat yourself to an early Christmas present!! - 25
(Knoxville, knoxville in/out)
::S I M P L Y :¦:-:*"*::A M A Z I N G :¦:- GURANTEED!!! CaLl NoW!!! SEXY & SENSUAL !! - 22
~~~~~Rain Rain, Go Away~N*ughty Boys~NEED to Play with Me!! ^^^^^^ 200 in/out^ - 30
(Knoxville, rt 40 exit 407/ Sevierville/ Gatlinburg)
💣💕💢New Mixed 5,4 -ft- Puerto Rican 💣💕💢Short Stack👣🍑 Bubble booty💦💥 Exotic Hottie 💥💋 - 23
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Nashville, Nashville airport area)
LEAVING SOON💫💛💫💛💫❇️ Thick Round & Brown 💛💫❇️ Hourglass Body 💛💫 👅🍭 Ebony Princess 💛💫💛 - 23
(Knoxville, Your Upscale Location)
*In Town For The Car Show, Visiting, And Lonely Or Need Attention? *~Bentley ~*Attention Specialist* - 24
* * * * * * Heat UP Your Day With a CUP of Hot REDHEAD! !* * * * *$100 per hour SPECIAL Today* * * - 31
(Knoxville, rt 40 exit 407/ Sevierville)
GorGeoUS Blond Bombshell Playmate! - Better Than The Rest - $130 In Call Special - 42
(Knoxville, Knoxville In Call)
√√×××* H a v E __*__ i T __*__ Y o u r * W a y * E x p e r i e n c e ×××√√ - 21
(Knoxville, North Knoxville / Incall)
°°°° ♡♡ DeStInY °°°° ♡ Come out and see me.. I promise you will leave with a smile :-) - 28
(Knoxville, Knoxville,tn)
• Blond GoRGeOUs Bombshell Playmate! Better Than The Rest - In Call Special - 43
(Knoxville, Knoxville In Call till 10 PM)
(Springfield, ☎ IN & OUTCALLS (visiting)☎)
Smoking Hot, Exotic, and Very Addictive
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
$fLd$ FiNe$t i$ bK! ExOtIc HoTTiE tOpNoTcH ☆ SO SWEET,Others Cant Compete! uNbeLiEvAbLe SPcLz! - 28
(Springfield, $pfld&Surr.Areas;♥in/outcalls)
★ EverY BoY's WiSh ★EverY HuSbAnD's SeCReT ★EverY MaN's FaNt@sY★ - 23
(Springfield, st roberts ft wood)
Morning BOYS Start Saturday With M€ & My S€XY NEW Panties! (405) 763- 7117 Mona - 25
(Oklahoma City, OKC)
-:¦:-°miss* JuiCy *~N~ ** -:¦:- °carmel ~ DELIGHT** o?-:¦:-° NEW in ToWN - 19 - 19
(Oklahoma City)
SPECIAL ! LOOK ! -*- ur Fav Lil BloNde BeauTY -*- ... TeaM BaD B!TcHeS - 22
(Grand Rapids, by the mall 28th st)
Available! Hot Sexy Independent and Real!
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
Jasmine - 24
(Battle Creek, Coldwater,Jackson,three rivers,postage, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing)
Kara is back in town. Must call phone has no text sorry!! Outcalls - 21
(Grand Rapids, Outcalls GR and surrounding)
incall/ out calls 6162008622 destiny 💄 💕 Text/call me 👑💕👑💕✌🏾️💅🏾💅🏾 - 24
(Grand Rapids, Residence in the Grandville area)
Specials №➊ ReQUested ✰ HOt PLaYMATE ✰ = CoMPLETE KNoCKOUT ✰ - 24
(Oklahoma City, Okc & Surrounding Areas)
specials all night give me a call !!!
(Lawton, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Tulsa, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
SEXY√ ••°°•• READY°°••°° …:•°° fo® …:•°° fun …fun … fun …:•°° ©ome join Me …:•°° ™ - 27
(Oklahoma City, okc Incalls & Outcalls)
OuTCaLL 100$,I DONT SEND PICS$ 100$ outCaLL 100$ outCaLL100$ OuTCALL100$ OUTCALL100$ I LuV 2 TRaVeL - 24
(Oklahoma City, outcall intown100$/outtown150$)
*~`NEW iN Town``READY To PLease&PLay; **100 Outcall SPECIALS aLL Morning ~` CALL NOW! - 19
(Oklahoma City, My Place or Yours...)
•♔• Name Your Price $pe©ials! NOW! •♔• AVAILABLE N0W !! •♔• Be TrEateD LikE A KinG! •♔• - 29
(Oklahoma City, NW Oklahoma City)
*°♥* ____ COWGIRL UP ALL NITE!!_____ *°♥* ~~ - 22
(Oklahoma City, South Okc&MooRe;_->Area->OUT-CALL'S->OnLY)